Find the Right Sprinkler

Optimized for use on a mobile device, the new Sprinkler Selector allows you to quickly filter Viking’s comprehensive line of fire sprinklers by various criteria, including listings/approvals, occupancy hazard, orientation, K-factor, response type, temperature rating, and finish.


Link to Accessories

After selecting a specific sprinkler part number, a wealth of additional product details are presented including hazard classification, minimum/maximum spacing, pressure rating, and thread size. Links to accessory items and the sprinkler’s technical data sheet are also provided.

Online or in Revit®

Through the tool’s advanced search, additional filters can be applied, allowing users to see only concealed, flush-style, or dry barrel sprinklers. The online Sprinkler Selector has also been made available natively in Revit®. Check out the complimentary Viking Tools for Revit® for details.


Check out Viking's new Sprinkler Selector